Style Enhancer MP3 and MIDI Examples

Morning Train
SE40 Project: Morning_Train.sep
This demo Project demonstrates SE40 possibilities in generating and transforming MIDI data. Pressing [I/P] (Initial / Processed) button in toolbar you can see data generated by track MFX Chains according to the song Chord Progression (all tracks, excluding #3 and #4) as well as data recorded in real-time using MIDI keyboard (Flute tracks #3 and #4).
To finalize song I arrange track Volume envelopes and Pans. You understand that saving a song as SE40 project you can return to it any time and change all settings achieving new sounding or adjusting it to the new set of your synths.
1 Bass Track 1. Line Generator generates initial notes according to Chord progression.
2. Modeler provides necessary performance nuances.
3. Time-Pitch Adjuster shifts this bass part one octave up in 4 measures from measure #27.
2 Drum Track 1. Drums Generator produces initial drum notes according its pattern.
2. Drum Adjuster changes drum notes in "Major Bridge" (measures 27-38).
3. This Modeler transforms existing notes into Snare trill in measures 9, 10.
4. This Modeler transforms existing notes into Snare trill in measure 38.
5. Last Modeler enhances all previous data.
3 Flute Track 1. AutoPhraser inserts Phrase Markers into real-time solo part played on and recorded from MIDI keyboard.
2. Modeler inserts necessary performance nuances - Expression, Pitch Wheel, Modulation, etc.
4 Piccolo Track 1. AutoPhraser inserts Phrase Markers into real-time solo part played on and recorded from MIDI keyboard.
2. Modeler inserts necessary performance nuances - Expression, Pitch Wheel, Modulation, etc. for first part from measure #2.
3. Last Modeler inserts necessary performance nuances in different manner for final improvisation from measure #34.
5 Guitar Muted Track 1. Chord Generator was used for creating data from measure 11 in 16 measures according to song Chord progression.
2. Chord Generator was used for creating data from measure 35 in 22 measures.
3. Modeler provides necessary performance nuances.
6 Pad2 (Warm) Track 1. Chord Generator was used for creating alike "Pedal" long notes from measure 2 according to song Chord progression.
2. Shaper inserts Expression, Modulation and Pitch Wheel curves in period of 4 measures.
3. Shaper inserts Pan curves to swing sound in period of 2 measures.
7 - 1. Chord Generator produces low notes from measure 27 in 12 measures.
2. Chord Generator produces high notes from measure 31 in 8 measures.
3. Modeler provides breathing and other performance nuances.
Heavenly Overture
SE40 Project: Heavenly_Overture.sep
This demo Project demonstrates SE40 possibilities in generating and transforming MIDI data. Pressing [I/P] (Initial / Processed) button in toolbar you can see data generated by track MFX Chains according to the song Chord Progression. So, Track #2 is fully generated. Solo piano Track #1 is the data recorded in real-time using MIDI keyboard. Tracks #3 and #4 are simply copied from Track #1. But MFX Chain using provides them with the totally different musical characteristics!
How was it done? Here is what I did:
1. Recorded first Piano track (Tune 1 and Bridge 1-1) and quantized them, using Quantizer tool.
2. Created Chord progression using Harmonizer tool. Note that I used different Harmonizer presets for different parts of the song: Tune 1 was harmonized using "Gypsy" preset, but Bridge 1-1 was harmonized using "Special" preset.
3. Copied recorded part with Chords to create full song structure.
4. Set necessary MFX Chains when I wanted to transform or generate data.
5. Applied Interpolator tool for Tracks # 1 (Piano) and #3 (Trombone) to the measures #25-28 to achieve "detuning effect" distorting notes numbers.
6. Arranged track Volume envelopes and Pans.
7. Drew Tempo curve by mouse "on the fly" during listening to song parts on a loop.
8. You understand that saving a song as SE40 project you can return to it any time and change all settings achieving new sounding or adjusting it to the new set of your synths.
1 Piano Track No MFX at all. Real-time solo part played on and recorded from MIDI keyboard. It was quantized using Quantizer tool.
2 Strings Track 1. Chord Generator produces chord notes for all song according to Chord progression.
2. Modeler was used for generating Orchestra String accompaniment.
3. Shaper increases Velocity and change note numbers to achieve "detuning effect" in measures #25-28.
4. Second Shaper provides Velocity curve in period of 2 measures for this entire track.
5. Time-Pitch Adjuster lowers score on one octave in measures #17-20.
6. And second Time-Pitch Adjuster lowers score on one octave in 13 measures from measure #30.
3 Trombone Track 1. AutoPhraser inserts Phrase Markers into real-time solo part recorded from MIDI keyboard (it was copied from Track #1).
2. Time-Pitch adjuster limits note range between numbers 62 and 73 from measure #30.
3. Modeler inserts necessary performance nuances - Breathing (Expression), Pitch Wheel, Modulation, etc.
4 Strings Tremolo Track 1. Time-Pitch adjuster limits note range between numbers 65 and 76 in all this track.
2. AutoPhraser inserts Phrase Markers into real-time solo part recorded from MIDI keyboard (it was copied from Track #1) beginning from measure #30.
3. Modeler provides "tremolo manner" of playing (Vibraphone PMStyle was used!) convenient for this String track.
Listen to these other MP3 and MIDI examples.
Have success with SE40! Leonid Rikh