Style Enhancer Micro 2.0 Basic Style Library

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List of Styles
Accordion 01A 090P2'4G Pop Rhythm Fill
Banjo 01A 100P4'4G 16-th Rhythm Fill with Triplet Inserts (Notes to Pitch)
Banjo 02A 140P4'4G 16-th Rhythm Fill with 5-th Inserts (Notes to Pitch)
Bass 01A 100S4'4 Slap Intensive with Special Gliding
Bass 02A 100S4'4 Fretless Simple
Bass 05A 100S Solo Lyrical with Frets Gliding
Bass 07A 130S4'4G Generation 16-th Octave Fill
Bass 08A 100P4'4G Generation 16-th Fill from Chords (Notes to Pitch)
Bass 09A 130S4'4G Generation 8-th Fill (Notes to Pitch)
Bass 10A 130S4'4G Generation 8-th Octave Fill
Bass 11A 100S4'4G Generation Slap 8-th Fill (Notes to Pitch)
Bass 15A 100S4'4G Swing Chromatic 16-th Fill
Bass 19A 100S4'4 ''Heavy Work'' Low Gliding
Bass 29A 160P4'4G Generation Beat Line from Chords
Brass 01A 100P Chords Jazz Energy Breathy and Simple Solo
Brass 03A 100P Chords Jazz Accent Breathy and Simple Solo
Cello 01A 110S Solo Renaissance Manner
Clavinet-Bass 01A 090P4'4G Generation Rock 16-th Fill
Clavinet-Bass 03A 140P4'4G Generation Pop 8-th Fill
Confusing 01A 090SPG Crazy ''Singing'' Solo
Drums 01A 110PS4'4 Rock ' Pop GM Drums (#35-70)
Drums 02A 100PS3'4 Rock ' Pop GM Drums (#35-70)
Drums 03A 110PS4'4 Jazz-Rock GM Drums (#35-70)
Drums 04A 100PS3'4 Jazz-Rock GM Drums (#35-70)
Drums 05A 100P4'4G Generation Rock GM Drums (#35-69)
Drums 06A 150PS4'4 Dance GM Drums (#35-59)
Drums 07A 130SG 32nd Snare Fill (#38#40) from Melody Line
Drums 08A 110PS4'4G Enhancing & Smart Delay GM Set (#35-70)
Drums 10A 120PS4'4G Generation Dance & Smart Delay GM Set (#35-70)
Drums 11C 090PS4'4G Generation Ambient Fill & Smart Delay GM Set (#35-70)
Drums 12A 110PS3'4G Enhancing & Smart Delay for M3'4 GM Set (#35-70)
Female Singing 04A 090S Solo Legato Lyrical
Fiddle 01A 100S4'4 Solo Folk Simple
Fiddle 02A 110P4'4G Generation Folk Rhythm Fill
Flute 01A 110S Solo Lyrical Free
Flute 02A 090S Solo Exotic
Flute 03A 090S Solo Legato Wave Breathy
Flute 06A 110S Solo Original (Notes to Pitch)
FX 01A 080P4'4G ''SPACE'' Harp Stream Arpeggio
FX 03A 100SG ''JUMPING BALLS'' from Melody
FX 04A 120S XG Talking Box Line
Guitar 02A 090P4'4G Lyrical Rhythm Fill
Guitar 03A 120PS4'4G Strumming and Simple Solo
Guitar 06A 085P4'4G 16-th Triplet Rhythm Fill
Guitar 10A 200PS4'4G Strumming with Frets Gliding and Simple Solo
Guitar 11A 140P4'4G Lyrical Rhythm Fill with Triplet Inserts
Guitar 12A 120P4'4G Rhythm Fill
Guitar 14A 110P4'4G Strumming Intensive
Guitar 15A 120P4'4G Rhythm Fill
Guitar 16A 100P4'4G Lyrical Rhythm Fill
Guitar 17A 150P4'4G Strumming Rhythm Fill
Guitar 18A 110P3'4G Lyrical Ballad Rhythm Fill
Guitar 19A 130P3'4G Strumming Intensive
Guitar 20A 100P4'4G Strumming with Frets Gliding
Guitar 22A 080P3'4G Spain Manner Rhythm Fill
Guitar 23A 090P2'4G Pop Rhythm Fill
Guitar 30A 100P4'4G Pop'Country Ballad Fill
Guitar 59B 080P4'4G Masterly Light Ballad Fill
Guitar 61A 110SP Pop Solo Lyrical Simple and Chords
Guitar Acoustic 07A 100SP Solo Lyrical Traditional with Frets Gliding
Guitar Acoustic 08A 100SP Solo Lyrical with Frets Gliding
Guitar Acoustic 09A 090SG Solo Simple Lyrical Tremolo (Notes to Pitch)
Guitar Distortion 01A 100SP Solo Lyrical Bending
Guitar Distortion 03A 110S Solo Original Too Compressed
Guitar Distortion 04A 100SP Solo Simple and Chords with Frets Gliding
Guitar Distortion 05A 100SP Solo Simple and Chords
Guitar Distortion 06A 110S Solo Intensive Vibrato and Bending
Guitar Distortion 07A 090S Solo Slow Handle Attack
Guitar Jazz 01A 090SP Solo Lyrical Simple and Chords
Guitar Jazz 02A 085PS Solo Lyrical Simple and Chords
Harmonica 01A 100S Solo Breathy Lyrical
Harmonica 02A 100SG Solo Original Terz Tremolo with Pitch Gliding
Human Voice 01A 100S Solo Legato Free
Human Voice 02A 110S Solo Legato Exotic
Human Voice 03A 090S Solo Legato Simple
Human Voice 04A 100PS Chords Accent Back-Vocal
Organ 04A 120P4'4G Rock ''KOKORIN'' Chords Manner
Piano 07A 110P4'4G Pop ''ALEX'' Manner
Piano 11A 125P3'4G ''VIENNESE WALTZ'' Chords and Bass
Piano 16A 070P4'4G 32nd Arpeggio
Piano 26A 110P4'4G ''STORM'' 8-th triplet Arpeggio
Pizzicato 01A 100P3'4G Rhythm Fill
Pizzicato 07B 075P4'4G Pop Syncopated Fill
Sax 01A 100S Solo Legato Soft Attack
Sax 05A 075S Solo ''FAUSTO'' Sweet Legato Manner
Sax 08A 110S Solo Crying Non-Legato
Sax 12A 120P4'4G Generation Pop Riff from Chords
Strings 01A 090P Chord Slow Soft
Strings 02A 110P4'4G Classic Rhythm Fill from Chords
Strings 06A 100SP Chords Soft and Simple Solo
Synth 01A 110S Solo Legato Simple Handle Wheel
Synth 02A 110SP4'4G Generation Fast Pulsation
Synth 05A 120S4'4G Octave Random 16-th Pulsation from Line
Synth 06A 090P Synth Pad Gliding Chords
Trombone 01A 090S Solo Simple
Trumpet 01A 100S Solo Lyrical Free
Vibraphone 01A 090SG Solo Lyrical Tremolo
Vibraphone 03A 090SG Solo 32nd Octave Tremolo
Violin 01A 110SP Solo and Chords Traditional Simple
Z 01B Solo Transformation
Z 02A Clear Drums
Z 04A Global C5 (#60) Flip
Z 04B Global C5 (#60) Flip + 1 Octave Up
Z 04C Global C5 (#60) Flip + 1 Octave Down
Z 07C Swing on 16-th
Z 10A From Score to Maj or Min Chord of Dominant Key
Z 12A Random Value of Velocity
Z 14A Random Value of Start Time