Style Enhancer Micro (SEM) Opinions

If you've ever said to yourself, "Gosh, my MIDI tracks sounds lifeless," you may want to check out NTONYX's Style Enhancer Micro. It won't put a live band in your basement, but it can sure help your modules sound more realistic.
Style Enhancer Micro from NTONYX utilizes the company's Performance Modeling process to breathe new life into sterile MIDI tracks... The folks at NTONYX have a real winner here.
Rip Rowan,
... I really enjoyed SEM a lot, and I used it quite frequently in the past, including on a remix of Taylor Dayne's "How Many" (the original track has gotten to number six on the Billboard charts), so big thanks for a really great product.
Doyle Williams
... Style Enhancer is a unique and powerful tool for use with midi creation, I don't know how I have managed to work with out it for the past few years. It's a little complex but having played around with the examples I am starting to understand its principles an its power. Many thanks to the Ntonyx team for their hard work.
Nick Thompson
... At this moment I use Style Enhancer Micro, it's realy a revolution in the MIDI world - Thanks to te NTONYX team. With best regards.
Andre Vandergoten
... By the way, I get the sense that if Style Enhancer can help composers better simulate the sounds of live violin, viola, and cello musicians, this will go far in making Style Enhancer successful in the electronic music marketplace. Sincerely.
Denny Soinski
... I have tried with the product I have truely enjoyed. Great work.
Denise Stratton
... Attention: one of the music theory and algorithm GURUS at NTONYX. As an enthusiastic user I want to send you my compliments for the very useful software in SEM etc. The software does wonders when transforming a flat MIDI melody to something which sounds "as a real musician is playing".... wish you all good luck!
Jan Gunmar
I don't normally endorse products. But your Style Enhancer Micro software is the best musical tool to come out in the last 5 years. Unlike a lot of "hyped-up" software, your SEM really works, it makes a midi performance data sound like a real acoustical instrument performance, saves days of time and money, and is worth the minimal investment.
Cyrus Sullivan - hot recording artist, very satisfied NTONYX SEM user
... Style Enhancer was listed in the "New Gear" section of the August 99 (most current) issue of Keyboard Magazine. It was a short article, not a full-fledged review, and listed your website. The feature that caught my eye was that it was a MIDI plug in for Cakewalk, which is the sequencing program I compose and arrange with. After I visited the website and listened to the MIDI examples, I was convinced. I had been using another program (Jammer 3.0) to further develop my sequences, but the process was very complicated. I'm hoping the SE will simplify my work! Musically.
Markovic Drummond
Professional testers comments
... I spent a couple of hours with it tonight, and it's an excellent tool. It's very nicely done...
... I listened to all of your MIDI examples. They are stunning! They really motivate a person to learn how to use the program properly...
... I don't know the details of the method, just the results. I'm a musician, not a scientist. It sounds wonderful, and breathes life into sequences that sound otherwise comparatively sterile...
... This software sets the results far apart from the original source tracks. It is astonishing to believe that the final musical sequences resulted from a computer program...
... It doesn't take much time to set up this program, and the results are generally far superior than spending time tweaking the music in other creative ways...
... This program is extremely ergonomic, clear, and easy to use. One gets the knack very quickly, and without the need to read or study manuals...
... I've been using sequencing software for 12 years, and have never seen anything like this. It's really innovative & terrific...
... It's like artificial intelligence. Really useful...
... Very easy to use...
... I am really enjoying what it can do. Really impressed... Looks like a great plug in product for Cakewalk. I would definitely recommend it...
... Adds really a nice to any kind of song...
... Works really well and is fast...
... Will take a song that is repetitive and stale and make it sound as if real live musicians were playing...
... Works like a charm with Cakewalk Pro Audio...
... It looks very interesting, for the styles there are, and obviously the strength of the program is in the styles...
... Great for film composers or jingle writers looking to get a "live feel" from midi instruments...
... WOW.... what a great program. I love where this is going...
... Fantastic! A great way to get a "Real Feel" performance!...
... Wide Variation of stylistic approaches and multiple phrases, "Endless combinations!"...
... Very quick and easy to use. There is not a lot of "tweaking" needed to get a effective performance, yet very customizable...
... Easy pull down menu, great presets with nice easy user interface for easily customizing the interface...
NTONYX expresses sincere gratitude to Cakewalk management for an opportunity of PM Plug-in testing by Cakewalk beta testers team uniting the professional engineers, musicians, producers.