Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE

Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE is a limited (lite) version of Onyx Arranger 2.1 - powerful arranger/sequencer based on advanced technologies with full real-time control of MIDI data generation and transformation. All Onyx Arranger 2.1 Orchestrator Styles are available in Onyx LE (the styles are the same for both versions). Orchestrator functions are just slightly limited. LE Harmonizer and Chords system are almost equivalent to the full version. LE includes the set of necessary MIDI Processing Offline Tools.
This program is based on Musical Object Morphing technology (MOM) which allows to morph one musical data to the other. All the styles are created from properly done ready MIDI files (the initial data) without losing any nuances. Then Onyx Orchestrator Style (OOStyle) which contains up to 10 tracks and 16 measure lengths is used for generating a new song accompaniment (the final morphed data) following any chord progressions (up to 100 chord types and 1/8 note step if you want), even in a different meter.
You can have as many OOStyles per song as you want and they will sound perfectly in every Chord, Key, Scale and Meter. Styles can be merged by Orchestrator clips editing: you can drag an instrument or a clip of one OOStyle to the area of another OOStyle. Moreover, the accompaniment can be generated in many different ways, by changing the positions of initial pattern measures, altering chord/scale steps, flexible fill inserting.
Onyx intelligent multimode Harmonizer automatically recognizes the Key and Scale of your tune and calculates a number of high quality chord progressions for this tune in various harmony styles. Furthermore, it can search for and sort out the best chord sequences using special built in presets. Every found variant is provided with objective estimation criteria. And finally, any previously created and saved progression can be opened for use even in a different or variable meter.
The software pack includes lots of factory Onyx Orchestrator Styles, created on the basis of world music hits and performance Modeler styles and has a number of useful views and dialogs, like Piano-Roll, Event List, Chords, Keyboard, etc.
In short, Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE is a powerful and flexible arranger with integrated sequencer, a tool worthy of a professional and yet easy-to-use for an amateur, a tool capable of producing MIDI tracks by far surpassing those made by already existing programs.
To make Onyx Arranger play with Soft Synth you could use NTONYX MIDI Matrix.
Still, everything said above is only words - LISTEN to Onyx examples, DOWNLOAD and try full functional Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE now to judge it for yourself!
To make Onyx Arranger play with standalone Soft Synth you could use Virtual loopback MIDI cable for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11, 32 and 64-bit.

What you can do with Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE

General Features and Editing
Record, Playback MIDI data.
Edit MIDI data using Piano-Roll, Event List and real-time MIDI Processing tools.
Visualize MIDI events in different modes of drawing, as well as initial and processed data.
Use independent Mute, Solo, Channel, Patch, Port, Bank settings and more for each track.
Edit clips of Orchestrator tracks.
Control track properties, Instrument Definitions, MIDI FX assigning, Volume, Pan, and other MIDI controllers Envelopes.
Save/Open song in *.mid, *.opr (Onyx Project) and *.otp (Template) formats.
Record, Playback MIDI data.
Edit MIDI data using Piano-Roll, Event List and MIDI tools.
Visualize MIDI events in different modes of drawing.
Use independent Mute, Solo, Channel, Patch, Port, Bank settings and more for each track.
Edit clips of Orchestrator tracks.
Control track properties, Instrument Definitions, Volume, Pan, and other MIDI controllers Envelopes.
Save/Open song in *.mid, *.opr (Onyx Project) and *.otp (Template) formats.
Use any number of OOStyles in any place in your song.
Generate accompaniment according to the used Key/Scale and Chords.
Use an OOStyle in any Meters or its combinations.
Flexibly control the Fill positioning.
Perform all music nuances of initial pattern - Controllers, Meter and Tempo changes.
Harmonize your tune or imported MIDI file.
Use different styles of Harmonization.
Use AutoSearch of Best Chord Progressions.
Control the process using objective quality estimation.
Scale / Chord system
Create, Edit, Save Chord Progressions in different Meters.
Load Chord Progressions of one meter in a song with a different meter.
Use more than 100 Chord types for arranging.
Transpose Keys and Chords of any part of Chord Progression independently.
Use Associated, Inverted or Limited sets of chords automatically created for the current Key/Scale.
Use automatic color indications of Key/Scale - Chord relation, if you like.
Use # and b type of chords showing.
Render any measures and any Orchestrator Tracks combination into main tracks.
Render any measures and different Bass/Chord tracks combination of Chord Audition tool into main tracks.
Additional options
Show playing notes and current chords in Keyboard view in different modes.
Show and edit current chords in zoom Chords Pane.
Audition current chords in different modes using Chord Audition tool.
Optimize controllers and parameters sending using Optimization settings.

Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE Features

General Features and Editing
Tracks, measures, notes, events, envelope editing
Bank/Patch selection, Volume, Pan, Key+, Time+, Vel+, Mute/Solo control
Controllers envelope drawing
Chords Pane
Record/Play/Loop functions
Multi-port MIDI Output
Drag-and-drop operations
Onyx Arranger Project Files
Customizable zoom ratios
Customizable toolbars
System and user-defined function presets
Embed summary information in project
Brightness/Contrast controls and colors scheme selection
Sending of GM, GS, XG Sysx from the main toolbar
Import of Cakewalk .ins files
Parameters Optimization
Selection of an OOStyle at any measure in a song
Any number of OOStyles in any order
Independent generation of arrangement modes for each style
Using OOStyle in any Meter (for example, 3/4 to 7/8 and vice-versa)
Tempo/Meter adjustment to fit an OOStyle into a song
Score Morphing for each chromatic track, and Drum Converter for a drum track
Fine adjustment of the morphing process in the Common Morphing Parameters dialog
User Fill mode
Expanding/collapsing sections in Orchestrator
Recognition of Key/Scale and search for the best harmony sequences
Indication of qualitative estimations of the created chord progressions
Selection of a harmonization style according to genre (Jazz, Pop, Classic, etc.) in Major and Minor
Flexible harmonization algorithm with controllable settings
Factory and user presets
Expanding/collapsing sections in the Harmonizer
Song Managing
Selection of chords from a comprehensive list (Associated, Inversions, Limited, Any Chords - total number of more than 100 types) and input chords from PC keyboard with time snap from one measure to 1/8 note
Indication if the chord doesn't belong to the chosen (or recognized) Key/Scale
Flexible editing of the chord progression
Harmony is always appropriate for any meter
Saving and loading of a chord progression at any measure in a song preserving initial meter or transformation into the current one
Selection of OOStyles from a list
Chaining together any number of OOStyles into a song
Markers, Lyrics, Orchestra Fill inserting
All markers drag-and-drop editing
Main and Orchestrator Tracks
MIDI offline tools applying for Main tracks
Clip editing flexibility for Orchestrator tracks including time overlapping between assigned styles
Each track has the following controls: Mute/Solo, Patch Change, Bank Change, Volume, Panning, etc.
MIDI offline tools
Event Filter
Time-Pitch Adjuster
Chord/Key Transposer
Additional Views, Tools and Options
Piano-Roll view
Event List view
Keyboard view
Tempo view
Meter view
Sysx view
Auto Track Type definition
Chords Audition MIDI data rendering
Orchestrator Tracks rendering
OOStyle Sets
100 OOStyles are included into the software pack. 400 OOStyles (combined by 100) are available free of charge in 4 Sets from our site. 10 additional style sets are now available. All factory JMT OOStyles are created with Performance Modeling pre-processing which provides them with richer and more lively sounding.
System requirements
Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/7/8/8.1/10/11 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE Screenshots

Additional OOStyles Sets ##06-15

OOStyles (Onyx Orchestrator Styles) - additional software components, the same for Onyx Arranger 2.1, Onyx Arranger 2.1 LE and JMT Orchestrator 2.1 - serve to generate accompaniment. Most Styles are popular world hits made by conversion of MIDI files, preserving all velocity, pitch, modulation and expression changes. Next, additional musical nuances were added using our Performance Modeling technology, which allows to achieve rich sounding, not found in any other auto arranging software. Due to our Musical Object Morphing technology used in Onyx Arranger and JMT Orchestrator, Style data is morphed according to your chord progression and your meter in many ways. So having only one Style we actually have a lot of them.
Additional OOStyle Sets ##06-15 include lots of "generic" Styles in a wide range of music genres. They also contain some Styles created with powerful generating Style Enhancer 4.0 MIDI FX Chains. Currently you can use no less than 1000 OOStyles to spice up your music.
Name Number of OOStyles Styles demo MIDI examples download
OOStyle Set #01 100 Included and supplied with software
OOStyle Set #02 100 Free download
OOStyle Set #03 100 Free download
OOStyle Set #04 100 Free download
OOStyle Set #05 100 Free download
OOStyle Set #06 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 213KB]
OOStyle Set #07 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 221KB]
OOStyle Set #08 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 174KB]
OOStyle Set #09 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 190KB]
OOStyle Set #10 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 174KB]
OOStyle Set #11 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 161KB]
OOStyle Set #12 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 168KB]
OOStyle Set #13 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 165KB]
OOStyle Set #14 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 168KB]
OOStyle Set #15 50 Demo examples [ZIP, 173KB]